Summary of the CSE-E meeting on 31 January 2024


General situation of the company

As Christian Scherer pointed out during his New Year’s address, December was a record month in terms of orders, as was the level of orders more generally during 2023.
2024 will see the first deliveries of the A321 XLR, tests on an engine using 100% alternative fuel, and the management reiterated that the primary objective is for all aircraft to be delivered « on time and on quality ». All Airbus SAS activities must be built on the 5 pillars of safety, quality, integrity, compliance and security.

Health and safety
Airbus SAS has an obligation to declare work-related accidents to the CPAM (health insurance fund) (indicator: TF1).
As French regulations are stricter than those in Germany and the UK, Airbus has created a KPI, the FR1.

TF1: the occupational accident rate in 2023 (TF1= 1.85) is high for a tertiary site (in 2022 TF1=1.58), whereas the target remains <1.

FR1: the results are better than TF1: 11 accidents reported in 2023, up on 2022 but still <1

In 2024, the target will remain to stay below 1

Commuting accidents: the number of commuting accidents is practically equivalent to the number of lost-time accidents. As they mainly occur off-site, management has initiated work with Toulouse Métropole and the equivalent.

Information sur la mise en place de badge voitures sur le site d’Airbus SAS
Une note va sortir dans les prochains jours qui va instituer à partir du 29 mars l’obligation pour tous les salariés venant en voiture d’apposer sur leur pare-brise un badge nominatif. Les raisons invoquées par la direction sont les suivantes: Airbus est 1 OIV (Opérateur d’Importance Vitale pour l’Etat), le plan Vigipirate est actuellement en vigueur, des voitures ventouses de personnes non salariées chez Airbus sont utilisées à des fins délictuelles (substances interdites).

Aujourd’hui, seuls 30% des véhicules sont équipés de macarons. Ne seront tenus d’obtenir un badge que les 70% qui n’en ont pas.
La CFDT a demandé si des solutions autres qu’un macaron avaient été envisagées, ce qui a été bien été le cas ainsi avec le dispositif LAPI (Lecture Automatique Plaque d’Immatriculation) mais pour l’instant, ce projet reste en cours d’étude.

Ce sujet, qui va impacter le quotidien des salariés, a suscité de nombreuses questions (ainsi la dangerosité des accès vélo, le non respect des règles de circulation sur les parking) mais il nous a été indiqué que l’approche demeurerait préventive et que les véhicules ne seront pas interdits de site s’ils n’ont pas de macaron.
Le badgeage sera obligatoire aussi bien à l’entrée qu’à la sortie de la traversante (route sur le campus 3 qui passe  devant le B55). Il a d’ailleurs été précisé incidemment en conclusion que le maintien de possibilité de traversée s’était posée et qu’il n’est pas exclu qu’un jour elle soit supprimée.

Information on the introduction of car badges at the Airbus SAS site
A memo will be issued in the next few days requiring all employees travelling by car to affix a name badge to their windscreen from 29 March. The reasons given by management are as follows: Airbus is 1 OIV (Opérateur d’Importance Vitale pour l’Etat – Operator of Vital Importance to the State), the Vigipirate plan is currently in force, and cars owned by people not employed by Airbus are being used for criminal purposes (prohibited substances).

At present, only 30% of vehicles are fitted with badges. Only the 70% who do not have a badge will be required to obtain one.
The CFDT asked whether solutions other than a badge had been envisaged, which was indeed the case with the LAPI system (Automatic Number Plate Reading), but for the time being, this project remains under study.

This issue, which will have an impact on employees’ day-to-day lives, raised a number of questions (e.g. how dangerous cycle access is, how traffic rules are not respected in car parks), but we were told that the approach would remain preventive and that vehicles would not be banned from the site if they did not have a badge.
Badging will be compulsory both on entering and leaving the traversante (the road on campus 3 that passes in front of the B55). It was incidentally pointed out in conclusion that the possibility of maintaining this crossing had arisen and that it could one day be abolished.

Information on the new Flight Operations and Training (ST) campus project
ST will be grouped together on a single campus in Toulouse with an employee area (B26) and a customer/simulator area (B25). These 2 buildings will be constructed on the car parks between B22 and B28/B29 from June 2024, with delivery of B25 in June 2025 and entry into service of B26 in March 2026.
The B28 will not be destroyed immediately, while for the B29 the use of the spaces currently used by the simulators has not yet been decided. 2 points are still under consideration: car parks and catering, for which no decision has yet been taken. A presentation of the project will be made at the next quarterly CSSCT.

Information on the workforce at 31 December 2023 via the BDESE (Economic, social and environmental database)
Increase in workforce 9789 -> 10514 at end December
37% women. 34% of engineers and managers are women.
628 new recruits by 2023, 45% of whom will be women
289 new recruits on fixed-term contracts
21% with less than 4 years’ seniority
31% with less than 10 years’ seniority
645 departures, including 139 retirements
Increase in resignations over the last 2 years, slight decrease in 2023 (108 in 2022, 90 in 2023).
The BDESE agreement will be renegotiated in February 2024.

Family Day – 15 September 2024
The last similar event took place in 2010. Unlike in 2010, offices will be excluded from the visit, as will subcontractors.
Over 100,000 people are expected to attend OPS /SAS. A static display of aircraft is being considered, as well as the positioning of aircraft on the DGA site to avoid movement from one site to another. Demonstration flights may also be organised, and as in 2010, employees will be asked to help organise the event on a voluntary basis.